The Church Council: The Church Council consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, two At-Large congregation members, Past President, and Pastor.
The seven Executive Committees: Buildings and Grounds oversees the care of the property of the congregation. Educationoperates the Sunday school and other schools of the congregation to promote adult and youth education. Evangelism develops a program of evangelism and social ministry. Finance and Budget implements policies regarding the congregation budget, investments and insurance and prepares the proposed congregational budget for the next year. Stewardship develops and implements the stewardship program for the congregation. Worship, Music, and the Arts considers matters relating to the congregation's worship and makes recommendations to the council. Youth provides opportunities for our confirmed youth and young adults to grow spiritually through youth and multi-generational social and service activities.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) continues several varied streams of Lutheran church life introduced to America during the Colonial era. The ELCA was formally constituted in 1988 as a merger of the Lutheran Church in America, the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches and the American Lutheran Church.